# Tools

The tools in this toolbox are organized within a framework of three main phases, each with several areas of focus. Click through to a tool to find info on ...

  • how to use it
  • its level of time commitment and difficulty
  • the materials you'll need
  • where it might be of best use

Three design phases

# 🔎 Problem seeking

# Landscape

Research the current state of solutions (or lack thereof) from the user's perspective

# Empathize

Discover users' primary use cases, typical journeys, pain points, and ideal end states

# Synthesize

Group users according to the most appropriate axes for the problem and use those groups for guidance going forward

# 🎨 Problem shaping

# Diverge

Brainstorm, think outside the box, come up with ideas, pain points, opportunities and potential directions

# Converge

Find patterns, synthesize, find insights toward solutions or opportunities for change

# Align

Decide on one (or several) directions for prototyping and testing and define success for each of them

# 🛠️ Problem solving

# Prototype

Create a "minimum believable product" that enables you to test in ways that measure a solution's success

# Test

Evaluate your prototype with real humans (or anything else you’ve created earlier in the process) and measure its performance against your definition of success