# Insight Statements

# Phase: 🎨 Problem shaping
Focus: Converge


Time commitment: 1-2 hours
Difficulty: Difficult
Materials needed: Items to consider (these could be research findings, brainstorm ideas, themes, etc)
Who should participate: User experience designers, visual designers, product/project owners, community specialists, developers
Best for: Finding and succinctly stating the primary guiding insights from a large body of research or divergent ideation

# About this tool

Insight statements can be a valuable tool for moving between the information-gathering and ideation stages of a project into alignment and decision-making work like solution definition, particularly when you've accumulated a larger-than usual amount of data and ideas along the way. Simply put, insight statements consolidate a body of research, testing, and ideation into a guiding principle that can be used to help your team cut through the clutter. A good approach to creating insight statements may be:

  1. Assemble your research, user testing, and data into one place and categorize as appropriate; a GitHub directory is one straightforward place to do this in an open-source world
  2. Take each of those categories or themes and rephrase them as a short statement — it doesn't have to be a solution, just a key insight coming out of the work you've done. (Example: "Speed and performance are still limiting adoption of New Technology X by Developer Segment Y and End User Segment Z.")
  3. When you've done this for all the categories and themes, you may realize that you have too many insight statements. Can you cut them down to 3-5 statements, or at least resolve to place some of them in an icebox for future consideration?
  4. Go bravely forth with those insight statements and use them to help define your solutions and success metrics.